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Racecourse Provides Career Boost For Musselburgh Grammar Students Partnership
Senior pupils at Musselburgh Grammar took part in an employability initiative at Musselburgh Racecourse aimed at boosting their career opportunities.
Monday 13th May 2019

Senior pupils at Musselburgh Grammar took part in an employability initiative at Musselburgh Racecourse aimed at boosting their career opportunities.
The fifth year students, all who have expressed an interest in potential careers in hospitality and tourism, spent the day with racecourse staff and caterers Heritage Portfolio learning tricks of the trade, including how to be a barista.
Part of the racing industry’s Racing Together Community Day, the pupils participated in a team building exercise, were given a tour of the racecourse and spent time in the kitchen and restaurant areas learning how serve up the perfect coffee.
The Racing Together Community Day is British racing’s national day of employee volunteering in which racecourse staff support local communities in a variety of ways and build lasting relationships.
The racecourse has an ongoing relationship with Musselburgh Grammar and in previous years has hosted other employability days for senior pupils and educational visits for younger pupils.
Musselburgh Racecourse senior operations and commercial manager, Sarah Montgomery, said: “We were delighted to again welcome students from Musselburgh Grammar who are considering a career in the hospitality industry. We believe this kind of hands-on-day on site helps increase the confidence of youngsters who are in that challenging stage between completing high school education and going on to further education or in to employment.
“Giving these young people an insight in to the real-life working experience or providing skills that boosts their CV and may help in securing a job, is a day well spent and we are pleased to have supported Racing Together’s Community Day.”
In a separate initiative, Musselburgh Racecourse have formalised a partnership with Alzheimer Scotland, Scottish Racing and William Hill and will support the mental health charity throughout the year.
As part of National Mental Health Awareness Week, at the last race meeting on 13 May racecourse caterers Heritage Portfolio produced two special cakes and donated the proceeds from sales in the 1816 Cafe to Alzheimer Scotland.
Sarah Montgomery added: “We have joined Scottish Racing and our on course bookmakers William Hill in supporting Alzheimer Scotland and we have a number of projects in the pipeline which we hope will benefit this very deserving charity.”
Core staff at the racecourse, along with 45 race day customer care staff have received training from Dementia Friends aimed at improving their understanding of the needs of race goers and visitors with mental health issues.
“The majority of our staff are now trained to be Dementia Friends which has greatly increased our awareness of how we can make the race day experience a safe and more enjoyable environment for all visitors,” added Sarah.
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